Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Un Poem

Hold your breath for as long as you can or UNtil you finish the poem, and you'll begin to grasp how i feel

Un-requited, UN-expressable, UN-returned love

UN-intelligable, UN-excited, UN-relenting

UN-understanding of love, of life,of anything


standing right next to me but can't touch like i have no appendages,

like i'm UNable to move with my own free will

jailed in, locked up, imprisoned, blocked in, bound, caged, confined, enslaved, ensnared, imprisoned, in custody, incarcerated, locked up, penned, restricted, subjugated, UN-free

a constant hurt, UN-affected by affection

wishing for a look, a touch, a kiss,

wishing for more than what i have

more than what is

dreams of:

stolen kisses

stolen carresses

nervous glances taken and run with

waking up seeing things in a new light

an impossibility

like Prometheus being chained to the rock

in an endless world of pain and regret

but back to the real and not the metaphors

i've tried to prove my worth and to no avail

shut down at every turn

and yet i keep trying

hoping to break through

to smash down the walls

to shine in the over oppressing UNknown

a classic Underachiever

attempting to UNdo what had been done and re-done

UNrivaled in your ways of expression

UNgiving in your expression of self

UN-believing in the endless professions of love

UNable to breath near you

my heart beats UNcontrolably fast

my last wish is always UN-stated

my hopes UN-satiated

and i sit here, and under achiever, attempting to over achieve

to do what seems the impossible to me.

when i know in reality who has been a success at this

doing what i have been UNable to do

proving his worth where i can't

unrivaled in my success at failing you

i've grown aware that i'm not the one

so i'm un-wishing my wish

taking a step back

and slipping into the UN-intelligable, UNtouchable UNknown

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